The diagnosis is guided by the examination that practiced your doctor, who will find events suggestive of allergy (runny nose, nasal congestion, itching of the nose and eyes, difficulty breathing especially occurs by repeated crises, nocturnal cough , repeated bronchitis, especially in children, rash with itching repeated, eczema, swelling of the face and lips). He may refer you to confirm the diagnosis by skin tests.
These tests are designed to find the allergen.
There are different types of skin tests.
Prick tests
to include a small break in the skin through a drop of allergen on the forearm or back. These tests painless and easily passable in children can explore a large number of allergens at once.
A positive reaction results in the appearance after 15 to 20 minutes of itching, swelling and redness at the site of the test.
Prick tests: technical
Standard battery with many allergens.
The intra dermoréactions
include creating pinholes in the superficial dermis. They are useful in the diagnosis of allergy to insect venom allergies and medications.
Positive prick tests to olive pollen and dust mites.
Prick test : positive mold.
Pulmonary function
If a patient has difficulty breathing must complete the exploration by measuring the breath, and sometimes the study of bronchial reactions after inhalation of substances that cause bronchodilation or bronchoconstriction otherwise.