Also known as a atopic eczema, is a relatively common condition especially among children, although this disease also affects adults. It is the first marker of allergies. Typically, the disease begins after the age of three months.
Atopic dermatitis in infants
The eruption is predominant in the face and the cheeks. The surface is dotted with erythematous vesicles and sluices from giving a serous ooze that turns into scabs. It associates with sores from scratching. Other areas that may be affected face: buttocks, hands, limbs and earlobe. The overall condition is generally well preserved.
Lesions evolve through successive bouts separated by periods of recovery.
In forms very extensive and resistant to treatment, looking for a food allergy is essential, and the practice of skin testing native food is necessary.
Atopic dermatitis cures most often before the age of 5 up leaving only a residual dry skin, but in other cases the lesions may persist into adulthood.
Eczema of the cheeks and chin in an infant with atopic dermatitis.
Skin tests to food, were in favor of a food allergy to egg.

Eczema cheeks connected with atopic dermatitis. Allergy tests negative

And extensive dermatitis refractory to treatment in a 5 month old baby.

Notion of early dietary diversification. Positive skin test to milk and egg.

Atopic eczema in children and adults
It is common to see adults with eczema lesions on the hands and feet. The folds of the elbows and knees are also commonly affected. But the most common location is the face and neck with a very red. The itching is intense and the psychological impact of this form is not negligible.
Eczema that evolves in spurts, is aggravated by extreme temperatures, sweating, contact irritants such as wool and detergents, and stress.
Abnormalities of the skin, due to the presence of atopic dermatitis explain the frequency with which patients will develop a contact allergy.
This highlights the need to perform patch testing.
Lesions of atopic dermatitis folds of the elbow in a 9 years old patient.

Lesions on the face and neck.

The treatment is only symptomatic and preventive:
Hygiene rules :
Toilet soap with neutral
Avoid detergents
Use of emollients (moisturisers) after washing
Prefer cotton clothes
Avoid dietary diversification early
Symptomatic treatment :
Treatment of skin infections (often caused by scratching)
Use of corticosteroids ointments under strict medical supervision during flares during a very limited period
Use of antihistamines in case of pruritus.